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NIF for companies and how to request it?


NIF for companies and how to request it?

Posted by Romina in Uncategorized 21 Sep 2023

Are you thinking about applying for the company NIF yourself?

If you are on the path to establishing a company and you are not very interested in the bureaucratic issue, is the right place for you. We will let you know what is the NIF number for companies, how to request it and the documents necessary to obtain it right next in this article.

What is the NIF for companies?

It is the tax identification number for companies and societies, individuals or any type of entity that carries out commercial activity and that, in addition, is subject to bureaucratic obligations, such as issuing or receiving invoices.

Said identification number is configured with nine digits that ensure the authenticity of whoever operates on behalf of the represented company.

When is the NIF used?

Basically, the NIF is used to identify a legal entity when carrying out any procedure that has tax relevance. This is why every professional or businessman must state this in the invoices and supporting documents generated during their fiscal year.

What information does the company NIF reflect?

1. The letter reflects the legal form of the company. The regulations of the Tax Agency determine it in the following specific way:

2. Identification code of 7 numbers assigned randomly, unless it is a natural person, in which case it will coincide with the DNI.

3. The control letter that depends and is assigned based on the numbers that constitute the NIF.

Documentation necessary to request the NIF for your company:

To obtain your company NIF, in addition to submitting the census form 036 with the data correctly reflected, you will have to attach the following documentation:

* Photocopy of the DNI or NIF of the company representative.

* Representation model if managed by a representative.

* Deed of incorporation of the company: Original document and copy.

* Certificate of Registration in the Commercial Registry.

In what period do I request the company NIF?

If you have a business, you must complete the application process within the month after the incorporation of the legal form of the company. You will only have to reflect the following information in form 036:

Page 1: Fill in the name of the entity and check box 110 or box 120 if you already have a provisional NIF and want to request your definitive company NIF. At the bottom of the page, next to the date and place, the administrator or a representative with power of attorney must sign.

Page 2B: Fill in the boxes with the entity’s identification data.

Page 3: Identification of legal representatives.

If you need help processing the NIF for your company, just contact us, our specialized team will assist you immediately.


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